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The Existence of a Female Bildungsroman

An Analysis of Mill on the Floss and My Ántonia

Mostly a male-centric genre focusing on the development of a boy into his maturity, the very definition of the bildungsroman is disinclined to include its female counterpart, and in doing so has insisted on the two genders being an irreconcilable dichotomy.[1] This division, however, can be seen only as a consequence of the era in […]

Posted in Investigations on March 12, 2020 One Comment 13 min read Continue reading
The Nature and Redemption of the Anti-Hero

A Literary Analysis of the Anti-Hero Trope

What makes a hero? In literature a hero (or heroine) is defined as ‘The principle male and female characters in a work of literature’ and ‘In criticism the terms carry no connotations of virtuousness or honour.’[1] Yet any reader’s natural moral code should reject antagonistic protagonists just as easily as they cast judgement in reality. [...]
Posted in Investigations on March 12, 2020 0 Comments 15 min read Continue reading
Authenticity vs. Accessibility: A Debate for the Modern Museum

The Potential of 3D Scanning Art and Artifacts

3D scanning has obvious uses when concerning digital heritage artefacts, but what about fine art? Paintings are, traditionally, viewed and digitally reproduced as 2D images on the Internet, but this ignores the obvious benefits of being able to see and analyse brushstrokes and rarely conveys actual size. 3D scans have the opportunity to revolutionize not [...]
Posted in Investigations on March 12, 2020 0 Comments 23 min read Continue reading
Collaboration and Transmedia Futures in Spatial Scholarship Projects

The academic publishing sector has been stretching the limits of its traditional business model for some time now, with its two greatest accomplishments involving: Digitisation of entire books, available online through library access Digitisation of academic journals The possibilities of publishing, however, go so far beyond simple digitization. Though there exists pushback from the humanities [...]
Posted in Investigations on March 12, 2020 0 Comments 21 min read Continue reading
The Future of Society in the Face of AI

We are no longer on the dawn of an era when technology pervades our lives; it’s our everyday reality. New technologies emerge daily allowing more and more processes to be automated – for our convenience; for consumption; for a piece of the worldwide market share. Technology, computers, even the WWW, have become essential to our [...]
Posted in Investigations on March 6, 2019 2 Comments 15 min read Continue reading

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